Saturday, July 23, 2011



Christina Taylor Green (9/11/2001 - 1/8/2011)

"I just want her memory to live on, she's a face of hope, a face of change," she said. "Stop the violence, stop the hatred." Mother quote

A life bracketed by two national tragedies: born on the day (9/11/2001) of the bombing of the Twin Towers in New York; died on the day (1/8/2011) of the tragic shootings in Tucson, Arizona.

All of us - we should do everything we can to make sure this country lives up to our children's expectations. Obama quote

Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

A suggestion is never a rule…if uddered by some 1 U luv

In the words of a wonderful and loving friend:

“I am starving for relationships… that are nourishing, congruent and genuine.

In life so many… relationships are surface relationships (I also call them veneer relationships.) The surface is scratched, the person’s heart and spirit is never reached.

…with middle school age children, I am the ears they so badly needed to listen to them. I am the non judging voice of understanding and reason. The boundary setter for they know no boundaries. Their safe heaven to share their dreams and disappointments.

…my passion for the elderly to assist them in fully living regardless of their physical limitations make me whole. My caring is rarely rejected and I regardless of
the amount of positive impact I may or may not

… the act of loving my fellow humans brings me joy and strength to continue on and stay in the light.”

So much more

9 ½ year old CTG was not an innocent by-stander the day she died after being struck by a mind-less bullet fired by a mind-less gun.

C , and the shooter, had purpose-driven lives.

The, we will call ‘troubled’ , shooter’s purpose was to put an end to what he believed/perceived to be an unjust political system that had poisoned his right to his pursuit of happiness. In his disturbed soul, his was a righteous act of revenge against an uncaring system that had to be terminated for the greater good of all mankind. He would be canonized for his actions. He earnestly believed.

And, yes, the non-by-stander, we shall call ’the chosen one’, had a clear and passionate purpose as well. She reveled in the promise of a system called participatory democracy…with a lower-case d. In her sweet soul, her mom tells us was a wondrous spirit soaring across a rainbow sky.

Oh, for us grown-ups, can we recall such moments of awe. The excitement and, yes love for the power of ideas. How giddy we became claiming our own piece of our country’s possibilities. And a certainty that, perhaps, belongs only to those at the beginning of their journey across the years. Let us name it as their destiny.

So, a story: .

It seems there was once a nice young man who appeared to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. So much so he soon was referred to as little man. Well, when little man was very little, his gentle and loving parents brought him over to the place they were told was close by.

So it came to pass that little man was baptized at St. Charles Catholic Church in San Carlos, CA the first day of August, 1943.

three months old at the time, little man felt it was fine with him.

lucky for you...I just lost the story re: intervening 66 years...not much to be missed, but back to conclusion...

place: sister Church to mine

which is St. Theresa in Palm Springs, CA (perhaps you saw Cher's eulogy to Sonny Bono; his Church also).

Date: May 15, 2010.

Occasion: The Sacrament of Confirmation.

Quoting, "Paul J. Servelle, received and sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."

…and so it came to pass that little man found his true way home.

The beginning of spirit-in-sky-paul.

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